Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year (and my New Year's Resolution)!

Happy New Year Everyone! It's a new year and it's time to make improvements on our lives. I've come up with a New Year's Resolution and that is to spend less especially on food! I've been eating more frequently and in more expensive places this past year (partly because of my sister's influence) which explains my big weight gain this past year :( Awww... I've also been spending a lot on drinks! I'll try to just get water during my meals out to avoid extra sugar intake. Well, I hope it goes well for me.

Anyway, I'm adding a poll to this blog. I'd also like to know, what would you like to see more of in this blog? I'd love to hear your thoughts. Leave me a comment!

1 comment:

AskMeWhats said...

Happy new year to you :)

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