Saturday, March 27, 2010

Another Makeover...

I recently did my friend's hair and makeup for her recital. I didn't put any lipstick on her since she is a flutist like me. This was taken around 5 hours after I put on her makeup. It partly washed away already from her sweat :P

The shots aren't the same because one was taken with a point and shoot camera, while the other one was taken with a DSLR.

Here she is in her recital with her pretty gown. 



Witoxicity said...

Wow, what a fabulous job you did with her hair and makeup! Well done! She looks absolutely gorgeous. :)

Crystal said...

witoxity, thank you!

AskMeWhats said...

congratulations Cyrstal for the makeover!!!! She looks fab!

Pammy said...

You did an awesome job, Crystal. :P

Crystal said...

nikki and pammy, thanks gurls!

Miss Shopcoholic said...

good job crystal! he makeup looks fab..

Crystal said...

khymm, thank you!

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